Showing posts with label Water. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Water. Show all posts

Oct 28, 2016

Water and Toxins Myth

There is a myth that says water flushes out toxins from our body. This popular misconception is that drinking copious amounts of water will help magically cleanse our innards.

Drinking adequate amounts of water ensures our body’s metabolism works correctly. Part of this is the natural detoxification process liver and kidneys conduct. They work fine as long as they are getting enough, but not too much liquid.

Additional water intake is not going to help. In fact, drinking too much water can actually prevent the detoxification process. It reduces the concentration of salt in our blood, which can damage kidneys and liver and prevent their normal functioning.

Aug 15, 2015

Hydrophilic, Hydrophobic, and Hygroscopic

Hydrophilic refers to substances that absorb water. A hydrophilic substance will bond, on a molecular level with water.
Hydrophobic materials hate water and repel it.
Hygroscopic refers to the ability of a material to absorb humidity from the air.  A hygroscopic substance will actively attract and absorb water, without bonding. A hygroscope indicates changes in humidity.

Water is hydrophilic (mixes with more water easily) and oils or fats are generally hydrophobic and separate from water, forming an oily layer.

The suffix "philic" means loving or attracted to. The suffix "phobic" means fear or fearful.

Jun 5, 2015

Oregon Owns Water

According to Oregon water laws, all water is publicly owned. Therefore, anyone who wants to store any type of water on their property must first obtain a permit from state water managers.

A rural Oregon man was sentenced in 2012 to thirty days in jail and over $1,500 in fines because he had three reservoirs on his property to collect and use rainwater.

Oregon law that says all of the water in the state of Oregon is public water and if you want to use that water, either to divert it or to store it, you have to acquire a water right from the state of Oregon before doing that activity. The law states that the city of Medford, Oregon holds exclusive rights to “all core sources of water.”

Jan 10, 2014

How Much Water

Speaking of hydration, North American companies use 1.39 liters of water to make one liter of bottled water. That is less than the global averages of a liter of soda, which requires 2.02 liters of water. A liter of beer needs 4 liters of water, wine needs 4.74 liters. Hard alcohol guzzles 34.55 liters of water for every liter.

Jul 19, 2013


This new spray from Rustoleum  promises to make any surface impervious to water and other liquids. It is called a super hydrophobic coating, developed by Ross Nanotechnology and marketed by Rustoleum.

Check this LINK for a demo and you will be impressed. I saw another demo that included a smart phone which was sprayed, placed in a bowl of water, and came out unharmed. A disclaimer says it is not intended for electronic devices or clothing, but ads show its use on these items.

This is not late night infomercial, but a real product you can get at Home Depot or Amazon (more stores coming soon). Oh, $19.95 for the two step spray on process, which covers about 15 square feet. Not a panacea as the ads portray and a coating does not last forever, but a very good product. Am thinking back yard seat cushions are a perfect application. Cool Stuff.

Jan 15, 2013

Three Types of Burn Relief

Milk is an excellent compress for minor burns. Soak the burned area in milk for about 15 minutes or apply a milk-soaked cloth to the area. Whole milk's fat content soothes burns and promotes healing. Of course, rinse your skin and the cloth in cool water after or the milk will begin to stink.

A less known option is to use Preparation H, the hemorrhoid treatment cream for treating minor burns. Pat it on the area and you can reduce a few days off the healing time. This is because it contains a yeast derivative that speeds healing.

The most common option is to use cold water to soothe a new burn. However, using ice water can risk making the burn worse, because extreme cold can kill just as many skin cells as extreme heat. Cool water will stop the burning from spreading through your tissues and will act as a temporary painkiller.